
Process priorities: to validate and reflect back on the situational analysis to identify key priority areas which require action by engaging sector stakeholders [25]

Governments are urged to develop or adopt their national standards by basing them on recognized standards such as the ISO 7176[24]. Details of the ISO 7176 and examples of national standards followed in India and Kenya can be found in Resources section. National standards in both Kenya and India have a combination of standards that have been based on ISO 7176 and developed by the Bureau of Standards for the country. Furthermore, the national policy would need to be adapted or developed to require ISO or equivalent national standards certification for market access, from both the wheelchair manufacturers (domestic and imported) and suppliers. A strategy to encourage wheelchair manufacturer and suppliers to abide to the quality standards is that national programs and insurance schemes provide funding for only ISO certified (or equivalent certification) products.

Governments are advised to establish manufacturing compliance and audit measures for wheelchairs and accessories (domestic and imported). Recommend service providers to prescribe government certified wheelchairs and accessories.

At the provision and people level, the national policy may include measures of reporting options for wheelchair users to inform the relevant ministry about product quality issues.

Policies related to Products need to target product profiles for a country to streamline procurement. For the availability of sufficient variety and quantity of wheelchairs, exploring bulk procurement strategies is recommended, as well as other market shaping approaches such as pooled purchasing [28]. An example is the Consolidating Logistics for Assistive Technology Supply and Provision (CLASP) project being led by UCP Wheels which is a comprehensive solution to the provision of assistive devices in low- and middle-income countries. To promote the affordability of Products, governments are urged to consider waiving import duty and customs fees components, materials, consumables, tools, machines and other equipment used exclusively for fabrication of wheelchair products that are not available in a country [32]. In addition, there is a need for better research and development for affordable and appropriate products that can reach to the most vulnerable[32].